
Sale price$25.00
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The 'Kamut this creative design, is reminiscent of woven wheat, an ancient practice, from a time thousands of years ago when charms and magic were part of daily life. The last standing stalks of wheat were cut and woven into a charm or dolly, then brought indoors to ensure a warm home for the spirit of the field during the long cold of winter.

Magnetic clasps are held together by very strong magnets. They are easy to hook together because the magnets are attracted to each other but they won't come apart easily as the magnets are so strong.

When you ‘Snap It Up’ you create your unique and personal look that's one of a kind. 20mm Classic snaps only work with 20mm jewelry and accessories. (Nickel, Cadmium and Lead Free).

 Snap Size 18mm/20mm 

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